The economic downturn has hit the nonprofit sector particularly hard; those organizations who are doing more with less are faring the best. The need for exceptional talent to manage business operations and help secure as much funding as possible has been amplified by government budget crises and cutbacks.
Although traditionally many nonprofits have not measured outcomes of their efforts, the current economic climate has created an environment where those who provide funding wish to see evidence of the effectiveness of the program they are supporting. Candidates who can offer expertise in evaluating outcomes will be in demand as nonprofits struggle to prove they are making an impact.
Technology is creating new avenues for fundraising and sharing information. Candidates who can offer technical prowess will be in demand with organizations looking to harness the power of the “new social.”
Sample of Possible Interview Questions for Nonprofit Professionals:
Discuss the importance of results-based programming.
Why is it important to include the beneficiaries of a program in the planning and implementation?
How do you ensure consistent data collection in an evaluation?
How do continue to grow professionally?
Can you talk about a project which involved cross program collaboration?
What is your theory of change?
What are the top three challenges facing the communities we serve?
What would you say to someone who said that a nonprofit career is a fallback option?
Discuss what this statement means to you, “Everyone in the nonprofit sector is a fundraiser.”
Give me an example of something your efforts have helped to change.
Do you know what the core values of this organization are?
What does ethical leadership mean to you?
What do you think about our website?
What was the last problem you solved?
Why is it important to you to work in the nonprofit world?
What kind of work do you find most meaningful?
How do you prevent burnout?
Have you participated in any committee work?
Explain what is meant by active listening.
Discuss your experience with program outreach.