If you have a green thumb and leadership skills, you may consider a job managing a garden center, nursery, greenhouse or flower shop. You can certainly use your cover letter to highlight your specialized talents and demonstrate how well you handle greenery. This sample cover letter for horticulture professionals does a good job of showcasing leadership qualities as it relates to the horticulture industry. With a few minor adjustments, you can create your own cover letter to land more interviews for horticulture-related jobs.
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Copyright 2016 Resume to Referral, Professional, Executive Resume Service
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Dear Mr(s)._____________:
Possessing an in-depth work history in management, retail and re-wholesale operations, and sales, I’ve overseen sales for a garden center, nursery, greenhouse, and flower shop.
My sales and management abilities have also encompassed starting the ground floor of a new distribution center for Imperial Nurseries. My initial responsibilities were to help outline the logistics for the center, set up irrigation, and construct greenhouses. I focused my sales efforts in the Ohio area, including Northern Kentucky and Indiana.
If you need someone to start and operate a horticultural facility or expand on existing operations, I hold the knowledge, skills, sources, and capabilities to make your business succeed.
Accentuating my work experience, I hold key credentials (e.g. degree in landscaping, gardening, and turf technology coupled with being a certified nurseryman). Additionally, I chaired the Trotwood Beautification Committee, so I could get involved in the community and network.
Contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX, should you require clarification of my skills or would like to schedule a time for us to discuss this job.
Job Seeker