How much should a resume cost?
Here are two considerations that answer this question.
First, hiring a professional resume writer is a lot like deciding whether you want fast food or fine dining. Which do you prefer? Both options get the job done (fill your belly) but the quality from one to the next is very different.
Second, trained resume writers who hold credentials (e.g., CPRW, NCRW, ACRW) have invested in the profession. Experience is also an important variable to consider here. What’s the resume writer’s experience with ATS and writing keyword-rich content?
If you’re seeking personalized, one-on-one attention, then the “fine-dining” resume writing experience is ideal. Investment for quality resume writing services ranges from $300 to $800+.
Do you provide a guarantee?
We give our clients a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
This means that if for any reason you don’t like the resume we write for you, we rewrite it.
How do I get started?
If you haven’t already, contact us based on your service needs:
- Resume Services For Professionals
- LinkedIn Profile Writing Services
- Interview Coaching/Prep
- Career Coaching/Pathing
What’s your process/how do you kick off projects?
We start every prospect relationship off with an initial call to discuss the project and better understand what the new resume or LinkedIn profile needs.
We then provide a quote, timeline, and the project begins.
A follow-up call is scheduled to help kickoff the project.
How long before my project is completed?
Resumes take the lion’s share of time, so expect a 5-8 business-day turnaround.
That gives us enough time for proper intake and time to further customize the resume.
A cover letter and LinkedIn profile are completed after the resume is finalized.
Expect another 1-3 business days for completion of both these projects.
How do you write an optimal resume?
There are many variables that go into writing a resume that gets interviews.
For example, your resume needs to have the right format.
It needs to have a well-written resume summary and use keywords (job tasks) that match your skills to the jobs you’re applying for.
Your resume also needs to be ATS compliant.
Not up to writing an optimal resume? Let us write one for you.
How do you write a LinkedIn profile summary?
Much like resumes, LinkedIn profiles have become a necessary part of today’s job search.
A LinkedIn profile that highlights your skills for decision makers will go a long way to boosting your job search efforts.
The fastest way for writing your LinkedIn profile summary starts by extracting key bits from your resume.
What do you want visitors to your LinkedIn profile to learn about you first?
- Are you award-winning?
- Do you specialize in a specific industry?
- Are you highly credentialed?
- Have you had a unique career achievement?
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About our resume writers
We’ve been writing resumes since 1999. We’re certified, published, and very experienced.
We’ve written resumes for an array of career fields, including:
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Engineering
- Government
- Financial Services
- Healthcare
- Manufacturing
- Teachers/Academics
- Sales
Do you write resumes for jobseekers in my field?
After 20 years, there are few career fields we haven’t written for.
We’ve worked with professionals across an array of job specializations; e.g. sales, management, engineering, project management, financial services, research and development, hospitality, security, IT, and so on.
Why should I hire you?
There are many reasons why we’re a good fit for your specific resume writing needs.
For example, we are:
- Certified Resume Writers
- Credentialed Career & Job-Search Coaches
- Broadly Trained
I’ve submitted my resume to multiple job openings, but I haven’t heard anything. What’s wrong with my resume?
When you’re not getting responses to your resume submissions, a number of factors could be to blame.
Yes. It could be your resume.
But, it could also be the type of positions you’re applying for.
Lastly, it could be some technical issues or job-search methods that are going overlooked.
Not sure what’s wrong?
If not, contact us.