The health care reform and the aging baby boomer generation is creating the perfect storm for a shortage of health care professionals in the upcoming years.
As fewer physicians enter the field, The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the field of nursing practitioners will grow at a rate that is more than twice the national average for all other occupations.
Candidates with strong clinical experience and the ability to demonstrate proof of top-notch communication skills and compassionate patient care will be in demand.
As nurses are increasingly being asked to take on more responsibility in primary patient care, some health care organizations and associations are stressing the need for a doctorate-level education requirement for nurse practitioners.
More information can be found on the American Association of Nurse Practitioners website.
Sample of Possible Interview Questions for Nurse Practitioners
Have you ever been involved in an effort to improve the quality of clinical care at your facility? What was your role?
Give me an example of a time when you had to make a split-second decision and you made the wrong choice.
Have you ever gone against a policy with which you didn’t agree?
How did you choose your specialty?
Did your last job utilize your skills to your fullest potential? Why or why not?
Have you ever disagreed with a physician? How did you handle it?
What is the first thing you would do if you suspected a patient may have the Ebola virus?
When faced with an unfamiliar task, do you tend to try to figure it out yourself, or ask for help?
What are the top three qualities of the best nurses?
What is your ideal nursing environment?
Why do you want to work at this facility?
Can you discuss how you have engaged in antibiotic stewardship?
What are some examples of indirect patient care that you provide on a daily basis?
How can being a part of an interdisciplinary collaboration team help with quality patient care?
What is your nursing philosophy?
Have you ever had difficulty getting along with other members of a team?
What types of patients are your favorite to work with? Least favorite?
Tell me about a time when you encountered a difficult patient who was unhappy with your care.
What do you do when you have to make an important decision without enough information?
Tell me about a situation when you had to learn something new in a short time.
What has been the most difficult case you have worked on?